List your business correctly, under the correct category, the correct address using the correction the title. being honest about your businesses, what you provide and where you provide it helps users find exactly what they are looking for. Avoid providing false information to try and entice more customers to your listing. Incorrect or misleading information is not allowed on nichemarket and offending listings will be suspended until corrected or completely removed.
Keyword policy
Content spamming of any kind, filing your business description with too many search-related keywords and not providing an accurate description of the user. Any action of the sort is prohibited and any business that is found to have transgressed will have their listing or listings removed.
Drugs and narcotics or any banned substance that is not permissible for sale inside the Republic of South Africa.
Media and software: Piracy of any type of media that violates any copyright or trademark laws
Pornography: Any X rated media of any kind, nudity in a gratuitous or graphic manner are prohibited.
Offensive products: Any products that promote hatred, violence, racial slurs, sexual or religious intolerance are prohibited as well as any organisation that share such views.
Hacking: Promoting software or services that are used to circumvent certain authorised material security. Unlocking software and jailbreaking electronic devices.
Privacy and personal information: Products that infringe on users personal information and privacy such as the sale of marketing lists, personal information, login details, government documents, identification, birth certificates, passports and licenses
Products intended to be used to produce illegal products or undertake in unlawful activity.
Dangerous items: Products with the sole intent to cause bodily harm of mame another person, such as explosives, knives, guns, brass knuckles or any accessories used with these types of products